A planet for tomorrow
International Social Housing Festival – Pacte Finance Climat – Energy Cities
The necessity to preserve natural resources is an imminent reality. Consciousness is now shared, that our needed reaction has to be gigantic, seizing the scale and the emergency of the issue. Institutionnal and financial tools have to scale up, and best practices have to circulate faster, through all levels of public initative, through all ground stakeholders.
Moderation by Banque des Territoires
9h-10h45 : Macro approach of climate challenges and solutions
Welcoming words
Emmanuel COUET, President of Rennes Métropole
Remembering the issue
Emmanuelle COSSE, former French Minister of Housing
Underestimated existing tools
David MORGANT, Urban Development Specialist, European Investment bank
International financial tools still having to be built
Edouard BOUIN Pacte Finance Climat
Measuring the issues, check the levers
Pierre MADEC, economist, researcher at OFCE – Sciences Po
11h-12h15 : How can social housing contribute to adress challenges ?
Experiences of social landlords and cities:
In the Netherlands: Robin Van Leijen
In Sweden: Chris Österlund
In France: Anne Warsmann
In Belgium: Bjorn Mallants, Managing Director, VVH
In Korea : Cheon Seong-Hee
12:15-12:30 pm: Closing
Claire ROUMET, Director of Energy Cities