The Métropole de Lyon is born on January 1st 2015 : this is a unique local authority created from the merger between Communauté Urbaine de Lyon and the Conseil Général du Rhône, on the 59 cities that define the Grand Lyon territory, to make public action more efficient, faster, and more coherent on the territory.
As for housing, the Métropole de Lyon defines, implements and realizes, the habitat and housing strategy on the 59 cities, as stated in the urban and housing planning program (in French PLU-H).
This dynamic and solidary policy aims to bring adapted and diverse answers to the needs of all households: homeownership (free and related prices), rental intermediary housing and social housing, specific habitat dedicated to disability or elder fields, housing for youth and students, travellers,…
In partnership with many other stakeholders (other services from the Metropole, cities, national State, landlords, real estate, NGO’s…) the Métropole acts on the whol housing chain, on the private stock, collective or social. It encourrages and support the production and the renewal of the habitat offer (8.000 to 8.500 new dwellings produced each year, including 4.000 social housing), improvement of the existing stock quality, access and tenure durability in housing.
Métropole de Lyon
20, rue du Lac – CS 33569
69 505 Lyon Cedex 3
Tél : 04 78 63 40 40